About T-Studio

As the pedagogical program of TUIC, T-Studio brings up the opportunity for a limited number of academic graduates to learn the design-by-research/research-by-design process to tackle real-world urban challenges. T-Studio offers two types of studios.
The first type gets organized and managed directly by senior researchers and advisors of TUIC; namely the Opportunistic Urbanism seasonal studios (2018 to present), SmartSeat Studio in collaboration with Soft Haptics & Robotics Lab at University College London (2018), and Remorph series (2017).
The second type of the studios are the ones which are lead by senior researchers and advisors of TUIC, yet managed by guest researchers. As an example, TUIC hosted the 2016 Global Summer School in collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), as well as FLIP workshop on Tactical Urbanism (2018).
To explore opportunities to collaborate with TUIC via T-Studio program, you can enter Opportunities.