August, 2019
ISSUE 04 : Urban Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a medical technique in traditional Chinese medical theory. According to that, the body is viewed as a unified system where each part of body is connected to the entire system. In acupuncture, when the needles are taken off, effective cure continues afterwards.
The idea of this theory is being applied on a much bigger scale: The City. In urban acupuncture, the city is considered as a coherent system, like human body, where urban renewal which uses small scale interventions in the critical points, tries to get the maximum result just like the ancient Chinese acupuncture. The term Urban Acupuncture was first stated by Manuel de Sola-Morales, through which he tried to solve urban problems.
This issue from TUIC 101 series aims at making a better understanding of the urban acupuncture theory. It attempts to hold an overall view of the theory and discuss its benefits and challenges. By reflecting a critical discourse analysis on the concerned theories, it also seeks to find the answer on how the theory of urban acupuncture could be applied in the city.