January, 2020

Blockchain Urbanism

A city hosts the sharing and trading of resources based on the value they offer to people. These resources have been valued by means of agreed wages, prices, votes, and other measures of individual advantage. Aiming for a just, efficient, and legit exchange of resources, trust-driven agreements are established. But how can people confirm that a give-and-take agreement is trustworthy enough?
Blockchain technology is an open decentralized ledger recording transactions between two parties in a secure and permanent way. By means of providing adaptability, transparency, and security, it facilitates building up trust regarding exchange of resources, resulting in moderated urban dynamics.
In Blockchain Urbanism studio, as the 7th round of Opportunistic Urbanism series, a group of researchers, designers and creatives, are trying to apply the high level concept of blockchain and decentralized mechanisms into a single urban challenge in Tehran.




Advisors : Aran Mohyeddin . Tarlan Khoylou . Mahtab Hamzehlouy . Mahdi Najafi
Research & Design Team : Nava Memari . Pantea Khalafi . Hirad Narimannejad . Atieh Baratlou
Special Thanks to : Kamran Khoshi . Behzad Khorram . Hossein Madani

