Golnaz Djamshidi

Golnaz Jamshidi holds a master of architecture from the University of Waterloo and a Bachelor's degree in architecture from Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch. Currently, she works at PUBLIC WORK urban design and landscape architecture studio as a landscape designer. She works on various landscape and public design projects in Toronto and New York such as Under the K Brooklyn, The Bentway, Sidewalk Toronto, and King Toronto. Prior to joining PUBLIC WORK, Golnaz worked as a junior architect at [Shift] Process Practice for two years.
Golnaz's professional career demonstrates her passion for design at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, and public space design. Her work explores how design can have a meaningful impact and influence on the everyday life of a diverse and inclusive public. 
In April 2019, Golnaz directed an endorsed workshop at TUIC called We-Bridge, targeted to redefining the function of leftover spaces under the urban bridges in Tehran.

